How Long Silly Man?

Your silliness 

had me screaming 

my soliloquies treacherously.

How about putting an end to it now.

You have been playing it 

too long,

and I playing along

Play pretend wasn't my thing,

Lying isn't the other one.

Why is Me,She and Her 

So different?

Multiple personalities 

isn't audacious.

It's outrageous.

It screams cheating,borderline.

Cheating who?

Me, Myself

and definitely you too

I made it, 

It's true.

but you made me, 

That's true too.

How was I supposed to live 

so scared, so suppressed, 

so suffocated?

Breathing felt hard,

death was all I asked.

And Lord !

You were always there.

Serving an injury

and soothing it right after

How to live with scars?

Ornamentation look


etched on

my being.

Our lost morals diluted cool

in your alcohol.

Like the melted ice 

we have lost our harmony.

Empty bottles 

lay abandoned 

like ruins of war,

We both,The Prisoners.

Our chained souls;

Our red strings.



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