Wanted to see the brighter side
The blue sunsets,
the cold sun rises, are here.
The breathless me,
stays restless on the bed.
The sin is electroducted
I did it with my own bloody hands.
Must I seek forgiveness?
With these sinful hands ?
I can't figure out the calmness
of this calamity.
Why must this pain be so gentle?
The empty abyss is void of the familiar storm.
I can't seek revenge.
My helplessness is horribly grey
like the lonesome car,
the empty desk of the building,
that vine clad flowery wall,
the forlorn sidewalks,
and the cold blue skies,
are without you,
and within me.
The winter sun troubles me.
It fails to comfort the frozen skin of
my empty hands.
I hear the rattling of my icy frozen bones during the white nights.
I pour my liquid brain
into the obscurity,
while my darkness gets
drunk with me.
Your thoughts
intoxicate us.
Keeping us from
giving into the insanity.
But my heart has set itself aflame
and I blame none.
It doesn't burns,
it's gentle like the spring mornings,
yet the sadness of the retiring winter, thuds my heart.
Winter's harsh but it returns,
but will you?
dare I count the days,
breathing a day
without you
is a stab.
I wonder how all this must end?
it must end,
it will
and your thoughts will lose their intensity.
Or so I hope
and I hope when it dies in me
it leaves behind a soft flower bed and not a harshness for life
Maybe it will not.
But I can't seem to forget it all.
Am not lonely in my imaginations anymore.
The horror is immense.
I have unlearned sharing,
I have unhooked my shelf
of the grieving trees.
The tangled strings of
my heart are just
as hurtful as the earphones
that plays your voice and the symphonies.
The symphonies,
which are
not the same for me anymore.
They have started
clogging my throat.
I am not alone in my head anymore.
You haunt me, so vividly.
I see the signs everywhere,
you are alive everywhere.
And your impossibility stomps over my heart,
And your idea rots my head,
And it kills me
And you kill me,
and you choke me to death.
But can Death be any sweeter?
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