I feel my skin turn. I haven't felt this way before I feel the venom in my bones. Oh, lord I haven't felt this way before. When did the fire reach my bones? I believed they were burned before. It aches a certain way. A way am not acquainted to. A way I refuse to recognize. The cold water puts my skin on fire. I drag my leprous heart. I drag my heavy foot. Agony dancing on my lashes. My heart's a bag. Filled heavy, with grief carved rocks. I lay and imagine my fingertips burn like wicks slowly taking me in, an inch at a time. An inch untouched by you must seize to exist, must not breath a second more. I lay still let the fire take me in. What's more delightful then letting the fire smoke me away, into the air. The air that you breath. I will find home, in your veins. I will live with you. I will end then, only when you do. © jessika